Friday, April 4, 2008

New Addiction

I meant to share this last night but I got distracted by the shiny new toy...yet I took this photo with the shiny new toy...

Anyway, we have a scrapbooking store here in town called the Scrap Nook. Last week they had a midnight madness sale - and oh yeah, I went :). When I paid for all my goodies I was given a coupon. If I came in between April 1st and 5th and spent over $20 I would get a free gift. I had a hard time waiting for the 1st to get here :). I went yesterday and this was my free gift. I squealed.

Free Tote :)Addict

Isn't that cute??? Its funny cuz now all my scrapbook-stuff 'holders' are pink :)


Marylin said...

ooh very cute! :D