Friday, November 16, 2007

Winds of Change

As many times as I have started this post in my head it all comes down to a time frame. 12 years.
12 years ago I began my life on the internet. 10 years ago I got serious with it, merging into totally addicted within the last 4 years. At the 10 year time frame I created my Yahoo! account with the screen name of scottishgoddess_1881. I'm sure it was partly a need to be popular, sexy, cool, mysterious...partly a hope that I would entice people who lived in Scotland to converse with me :). I used a book that I was writing as my basis for the year (more on that in a minute).
Today I decided it was time to finally make the change. I have toyed with it for some time and have just shooed it away because the handful of friends and possible lurkers. God knows I would hate to lose any When I started my flickr account I kept the scottishgoddess as my screen name but created the url as something else. That should have been my moment...but I was holding on. To what, I don't know. But I made the change. I've needed some sort of change for a while now...yes, this is a small, insignificant thing in the big picture, but sometimes its the small things that can make a big difference that will lead to your peace of mind in the long run. Henceforth I shall be known as

I have been toying with a new title for my that keeps the A Thousand Words part. Perhaps there will be a new variation in the next few days. I'm really not the best at this sort of thing. I can't seem to come up with a logo for my photography business...I'm just not artistic in that way...and I have a hard time describing myself with an intent to "sell" So, that is a work in progress.

Back to time frames - 12 years ago I began to write a book about a character who was every ounce of me, only so much cooler. I put it aside a year later when a boy I liked read it and he said I should write a murder myster instead. Which I attempted...just didn't have the heart to finish it. I have worked on, slaved over, gotten frustrated with and cried about the first book. She has remained in my heart and my head, like an alter ego, for most of my life. She is now my SCA persona...with some minor alterations considering she is borderline Sci-fi.
I have been edgy the last few days, she has been invading my mind and I feel that its time to write again. Tell her story and let her live. I dug the 3-ring binder that containes a slightly askew version of her story - as told through a 14 year-old's mind - out of storage the other night and have decided that I must work on, re-write and finish her story. Stay tuned on that one :)