Sunday, June 8, 2008


That is the way I would describe my day.

I had to deal with a boy peeing in a watergun. I am just not surprised anymore. Seriously.

At some point today I checked into MySpace (which I never do - just seems like a teenager's domain) and found a message from my husband's sister. He hasn't seen her in 21 years. It turns out there was a tragedy in the family on his real dad's side back in March. Its kinda turned out world upside down emotionally. Its one of those situations where you see it on tv and it kinda makes you sad and wonder what's wrong with the world - and it could never happen to your family. Yeah...its that bad.
I hate that I can't go into detail...its just that big, and that sad.

What I can say is that Sean had a 12 year old sister he had never met whose life was cut short. And, please, if you comment, don't talk badly about the person responsible - its a long, sad story.

But, as sometimes happens with tragedies, we have decided to load up in the van tomorrow and go see the sister that had sent me the Oklahoma. Tomorrow will be a day of reunions, and I'm glad. I've wanted to meet this sister (half-sis) since not long after I met Sean...I'm weird like that :).
Its sad that it has taken something of this magnitude to bring us all together...but if we can capture something good out of all this then its just better for everyone.

In other 'strange day' news - I was smoking my last cig of the night on the porch when our new neighbor came around the corner carrying her daughter. She has had to run to the hospital for a friend - they were beat up pretty badly. This is the same friend that just got out of the hospital a few days ago, is 21, and has already had 3 heart surgeries. He got punched in the chest.

This 'strangeness' can stop any time, lol.