Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Contest Ahead! *Edited*

So I've been racking my brain for over a week trying to figure out what I was going to offer as a prize package to one of my lovely readers. Well, I think I've managed to find a few things that will interest you.

All you have to do to win is leave me a comment in the comments section with you name and e-mail address (if you aren't comfortable with that you can e-mail me at kendra@athsndwords.com). Readers who also tell me what their favorite post was will gain an extra entry.
Now for the prizes. This is one complete package :)

(2 great pendants with an 18" ball chain.)

From this Really cool Etsy shop:

(Set of 8 notecards w/envelopes and 2 Bookmarks)

and finally, from me, this 8x12 print...just cuz its one of my favorites, lol:

There, that's it. Nothing extreme like a camera (though I would LOVE to give one of those away) but still little things I found while keeping you, my new friends, in mind.

Blogging has opened up a world that I didn't know existed and I'm grateful. Thank you for reading :)

Edit: I'm a dork...I didn't tell you when this would be announced. I will be announcing the Winner on Monday, July 28th, 2008.


Marylin said...

Aww congrats on your Blogversary hon! :)

I know what you mean about the blogging opening up a whole new world - I never knew you existed until 8 months ago, now you're one of my must-reads :)

TheMama said...

Wow, a year. I am in awe.

I love all of your stuff, so I'm going to say your July 17th post about the evil woman in WM attempting to undermine your parenting. I love my son to the ends of the earth, and not raising him to be an entitled little punk is one of my highest parenting goals.

That you stood your ground and didn't clock her with one of those rollback signs makes you a rock star!

As always, I am TheMama.


Kristen =) said...

Congrats Kendra!!

I love the blog and the one about the dark alley was very funny!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the ones about your dad-nice perspective. I like your blog to keep up with family.