Friday, March 14, 2008

A Bit of Randomness

I honestly thought I blogged yesterday...I'm such a loser :)

Anyway, this is gonna be one of those 'random' posts. I've had way too much going through my head lately to try to keep this on one topic.

We got the house!! Sean got the keys on Wednesday and I promptly went over and scrubbed the walls, vaccuumed cobwebs and cleaned surfaces. I think the last guy to live there was a swipe of the walls with my white rag turned it yellow (grosss!).
Wednesday night Sean and I went shopping and I got the majority of the curtains for the house. Sean's major complaint (which he's chanted every day since) is how expensive curtains are...even at Wal-Mart. $20 for one panel??? Sheesh.

We were gonna do more work on the house last night, but my Sis-in-law called and we met them in Springfield for my niece's birthday. Which brings me to my next random thought: I think every family has that one month a year where a majority of birthdays/anniversaries take place. For my family its March. Here's a list of the days in March where my family (or VERY close friends) has a 'holiday' - 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 30. Its a very busy month for us :).

Sean and I celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary on the 21st of this month and I just realized I need to get invitations for Ike's birthday party...he turns 7 (!!!) on the 30th of this month. My mom will be here for our anniversary - she's gonna watch the kids so we can go out. Her birthday is the 23rd so she'll be here for that too - shh, don't tell, but she's gonna be 60!

I promise I'll post pics of the new trailer by this weekend. I'm sooo excited to be moving...finally. Hopefully we are moving beds over tonight (does a little dance of joy)!


Anonymous said...

oh gratz on the house!! :) so chuffed for ya!

I would chat more atm but i'm shattered so it's jus a short comment today >_<


Melissa said...


Anonymous said...

Willie's mom and most siblings have most the birthday and anniversarys in February. My family it is in March. Both my two sisters and I were born in March. Isaac missed my birthday by a day!(March 29). Congrats on the new house. It will be so nice to have a space to call your own.