Well, here I sit, in my new house on the computer...blogging for the first time at this locale. This moment would be better if I was on my laptop, but we are having new router issues...guess everything can't be easy.
We bought a new microwave today. Its stainless steel so it came with this blue sticky-wrap stuff that I spent 20 minutes of my life removing...only to find out the stupid machine doesn't work. Yeah...I'm a little peeved about it. Sean said he'd take it back tomorrow and exchange it.
He was off work today so we decided that we'd move over a majority of our things. You know that saying "Best laid plans of mice and men...", yeah, that was our day. It has rained on and off for the entire day. As a matter of fact I'm listening to the downpour on my metal trailer roof and the sound of thunder through the paper-thin walls.
It was funny watching two grown men scramble to throw things in the back of a truck and two mini-vans in their attempt to beat the rain :). Not so funny fighting two toddlers and a high-strung 6 year old in the rain and wrestling the little ones into carseats while rain pounded on our backs :(.
Sean also deserves a big pat on the back for fixing our hot water heater. When we called the people who were supposed to fix it (the same people our landlords use and have a standing account with) we got a message that they will be out of town until Thursday. I could NOT go until Thursday without a shower and OMG the nastiness that is on our dishes from being stored in a garage for nearly a year - I need to be able to wash things people! Anyway, Sean found out what was wrong and spent $8.50 to get it working again. Woo hoo for handy men of the world :).
It turns out that March is a pretty good month for me...not so great for my 365 projects - the photo one or the blogging. Yes, I'm still here and intend to blog every day again as soon as this move is over. I also intend to pick up my 2 year long 'year' photo project - at least now I'll have a new environment to photograph :).
I hope everyone had a wonderful St. Pat's day and no one got pinched too hard (but shame on you if you didn't wear green...lol). I realize its the day after, but I didn't go to bed yet so, um...this still counts :).
12 years ago
woohoo! congrats on the new home :) hope the rest of the move goes ok - unpacking is a bitch! lol
good to see ya again :)
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