Saturday, May 31, 2008

Giggle-Snort I was looking online for a photography themed charm bracelet. I found none - but I did find a site with some neat charms. First I'm going to show you the 'search criteria' I used on the site to find this nifty charm - then the charm itself. Process went like this.

Site>Hobby Charms>This fun guy....

Bwahahahaha!! Not that I think vasectomies are funny....but OMG look at the charm!! AND, the big question on my mind is: How is this a hobby?

Definition of Hobby: : a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation — hob·by·ist \-bē-ist\ noun

K...yeah...SO, what form of this is relaxation and for who, exactly? And, wouldn't you typically have to 'enjoy' it more than once to be considered a hobby? I thought this procedure was a one-time thing....

Kinda makes you wonder if doctors (probably the female ones) enjoy this procedure a little more than they should.....


Kristen =) said...

That is too funny!

What a charm?

test said...

nice blog!

cyah around and have a nice day!

iStayl Sugbo

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Ha! I would *totally* buy this and just act clueless when people asked about it. "It's a cupid. What's your problem, sicko?"

Kennis said...

I am so tempted to buy it now! I've always wanted something I could wear to make people think I'm insane :).