Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What a Weekend!

Saturday my mother watched the kids so Sean and I could have a date night - well, actually we were supposed to be resting up for the bike event at Denney's Harley-Davidson - but we'll take any chance we can get.
We ate at a 'new' (to us) Mexican restaraunt in town called El Rodeo. We left with our bellies protruding and heavy sighs of contentment - and a vow to spend all of our future 'in town' date nights there. It was authentic Mexican...can't get any better than that.
Then we headed over to the little local theater and watched Wanted. I won't say a whole lot, but I had so much adrenaline flowing through my body when we left that I inhaled a cigarette the second it was lit. All I wanted to do what go blow something up or 'curve' a million bullets. Absolutely the coolest movie I have seen in a LONG time.

Sunday we woke up early and headed into Springfield to have breakfast with Sean's boss before the HOGS for Dogs event. We got there kinda late but still enjoyed an incredible mom-n-pop type breakfast. THEN it was time for the ride.
My goal for next year: Find someone to ride with - on their motorcycle - so I can take pictures DURING the ride. I chickened out again this year, but I did spot a few HD trikes that were driven by women...I should have asked one of them.
We had over 200 bikes there and the last I heard there was over $15,000 raised for CARE Animal Rescue in Springfield, MO. 4 beautiful dogs were adopted, including a LARGE Malamute. I've got tons of photos that I'll post *maybe* later today.

You know what was super cool? Hearing the announcer mention my business as a sponser. Oh yeah, it was an 'on Cloud 9' kinda moment. I hustled over to Sean and said "Did you hear? Did you hear?" He just laughed at me. Oh...and seeing all the shirts with my business name on them - gah, kill me now, lol. Next year I'm going to have a sign to hang up :).

NOW...I realize I totally missed my Blogoversary. I meant to have a big contest and be all exciting, lol. I'm still going to do that, just a little late...maybe this week. Ok, I'll do it as soon as I can figure out what to offer as a prize. If anyone has thoughts feel free to comment or e-mail me. I personally have jewelry that I've made or a print of any photo on my flickr page or Etsy store - we could even do something different like a calander, keychain, puzzle - I've got tons of options here...just can't make up my mind on what would interest all of YOU. Feel free to chime in - no idea is silly....I just, honestly, feel so vain offering a print or jewelry...cuz, you know, I made it and its ok not to like something I've made...Oh heck, I'm just not making sense, I can't figure out how to word it.
Instead I'll just pass it over to you and I'll give you until July 20th at midnight to give me ideas for the Blogoversary prize, which will be announced on the 21st.